“I would have gladly heard solo pieces from the pianist paired with the song groups...Jonathan Ware is an exceptional accompanist who has an individual approach to tempo. While he never pushes into the foreground, he takes his place as equal musical partner.”
New Single from the Warner Classics- Erato release (coming 17 January 2020) with soprano Elsa Dreisig and pianist Jonathan Ware
Nikolai Medtner’s Wanderers Nachtlied II, sung by Ludwig Mittelhammer with Jonathan Ware on piano
Golda Schultz and Jonathan Ware, Schubert Nacht und Träume, live from Schloss Elmau for the Richard Strauss Festival Garmisch
Sharon Carty and Jonathan Ware: Ganymed, by Franz Schubert
Trailer: Schubert, Wolf and Medtner - Ludwig Mittelhammer and Jonathan Ware for Berlin Classics
Pierre Boulez Saal Berlin. Kieran Carrel and Jonathan Ware perform Schubert’s “Willkommen und Abschied”